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Yashima Sangyo’s Feature on POLYRACK’s Magic Case in Product Navi Magazine



We are excited to announce that Yashima Sangyo recently featured POLYRACK‘s Magic Case in the September issue of Product Navi magazine. Product Navi is a well-respected BtoB product information publication that introduces hundreds of products in each issue, catering to the diverse needs of the manufacturing industry.


Product Navi is the result of the integration of two specialised magazines: IEN, which focuses on industrial products, and NEP, which centres on electronics. This merger allows Product Navi to cover a broad spectrum of products essential to various sectors within the manufacturing industry, making it an invaluable resource for industry professionals.

We are also pleased to share that the September issue of Product Navi will be distributed at the Kyushu Semiconductor Industry Exhibition, providing even greater exposure for the Magic Case and other innovative products featured in the magazine. This exhibition is a significant event for the semiconductor industry, and we are thrilled that our featured product will reach such a targeted and relevant audience.


The Magic Case, known for its versatile design and robust build, is an ideal solution for those seeking reliable and customizable enclosure options for electronic and industrial applications. We are proud to have this innovative product showcased in a publication that reaches such a wide and influential audience.


In addition to the print edition, Product Navi also offers a digital version, ensuring that the latest product information is accessible to an even broader audience.

Read the article here.

We encourage you to explore the September issue of Product Navi to learn more about the Magic Case and other groundbreaking products that are shaping the future of the manufacturing industry. Learn more here.

For further details, please visit our website or contact our sales team. We look forward to assisting you with your needs.